What's the deal with "losing your virginity"?

For decades now, western media and culture have made "losing your virginity" the single most important event in your life between birth and marriage. In a few decades, it went from the virtue it was during centuries. It started gradually, first for the men who had to be knowledgeable on their wedding night, even if the bride had to be pure and chaste. Then in modern times and that goes out the window, virginity is all of a sudden a handicap that implies you're unfit for the modern world and makes teenagers run around like headless chickens trying to get rid of IT. What is it that they can't do as virgins?

First of all, let's start with the expression "losing your virginity". It's not like losing your keys, unless you get drugged/drunk and raped, you are either giving it up or offering it to someone you think is special in some way to you. Maybe calling it "offering your virginity" would make kids not want to stick it in some hole in the wall and try to have a meaningful connection with the person they are doing it with beforehand.

Second of all, what makes such a big deal/problem? You don't have a big sign above your head to state VIRGIN/NOT VIRGIN to the world. It's literally a massage that can take from 1 to 3 minutes and costs you a bit of bodily fluid. Yeah, sure, you're inside someone for that time, but then so is your tongue while kissing. It doesn't take any effort or major skill to accomplish, with the right partner it's a matter of just lying there for either sex.

What if the milestone would be the first orgasm you manage to give your partner? Granted, it's a whole lot easier for the girls to reach that, but if tongue and fingers are fair game it shouldn't be that hard for the guys either (and will probably rule out doing it with a prostitute). Or the first time you manage to have sex (making love would be even better) 20 times with the same partner (or 10 times in a month, idk)?

In the age of consumerism, human bodies have become a commodity, the first one you use is a milestone, the total of numbers used becomes a patch of honour, a medal of some sort and a testament to your ability to conquer them. But I ask you this: what's harder, climbing to the top of the mountain in fair weather once and never coming back again or building a life up there and weathering the storms? Who deserves more admiration, the guy/girl with triple-digit body count or the one married to the same person for 30 years? Tell me how you feel about it.

May you be loved!

If the link is not working, listen to Leah Blevins-First time feeling


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