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Why being lonely sucks and how to solve

      If link doesn't work, listen to the Backstreet Boys -Show me the meaning of being lonely Another Reddit inspired post, this one is about people asking : I am feeling lonely, what should I do?  Most answers on there fall into one of 2 categories: 1) The new age hippies with you must learn to love yourself, your happiness doesn't depend on others etc 2) Normal people that suggest dating (live or online ), self-improvement in order to be more attractive etc. If you've read a few of my posts on here,  you'll already know where I stand. But just to give some insight why I think most humans are social beings by design and not meant to live alone, here are a few facts: 1)Oldest healed bone fractures found on a  human skeleton date back 130 000 years. This means somebody took care of that poor bastard while his bones healed, otherwise, not being able to get food , water, shelter he would have died before they healed 2) For thousands of years, solitude was a form of penite

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